et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2002.06.08 12:06 a.m.

none of us write here like novels. like diary based novels. we all just ramble on....there's no contiunity or flow. i like it, but i wonder what i'd be like if we wrote like these were our novels.

tomorrow me and my family (oh, yes some extended family too!). if anyone feels like helping, oh it'll be fun... , you should come any time. yes. please. (yeah right). i wish more boys had crushes on me. they'd so help me paint my house.

so remember how supertruck got bumped into in a parking lot? well it looks like sgi might write it off...what the hell? apparantly the whole side panel needs to be replaced. and there's damage to the gas tank system or some junk. iik. my mum's putting all her faith in nutana carstar collision (cool name). i'm not sure she should do this. ai.

alix, do you want to go to the living room on sunday? call me kid. i mean, call me, kid. not call me 'kid'. okay?

when i was running this evening (far too late in this area, but all well), this guy yelled 'yeah, shake it!'. never have i felt so appealing. never. ever. ick.

where is everyone this evening? i have a feeling tom called, cause mum said a hesitant boy did. and tom sure is hesitant. if alisinian's over at degens again i'm going to vomit. it's one thing to ditch your friend (and i have called her several times this week) for a boyfriend. but an un-boyfriend...? someone who you really shouldn't go anywhere near? yeah.... do you guys hate me because i write long and tedious diary entries that are really just to keep track of things for me.

my mum took some headshots of me in the back yard. fun! actually she's so weird about pictures sometimes. and laughs at me when i have to fix my hair. these are pictures for professional stuff though.

did you all hear about that show they're going to be filming here? i would really, really love to be in that. oh please? i know it's going to be bad...but none the less, it's something, and it's something pretty big.

i only had real conversations with boys today. kinda odd. after work i sat outside talking to cory for like 15 minutes while i was waiting for my ride. man he's nice. i really like his voice. it's so strange. he and megan have been dating for so long. it makes me happy. and i'm extra glad that he's doing a lot of cooking at work now. no one wants to be a dishwasher forever. and all he wants to do it play music. i want him to find a super well-paying part time job so that he'd have time to just play music. cause he loves it sooo much. it's funny to think how i've known cory since grade ten and how we have had such few conversations during these years. i really like him though. kind-hearted.

i went by the bassment after work, just to make sure that fraser's show wasn't tonight (people should specify which friday night). i ended up talking to jim-jam (p.d) outside for a really long time. and these two that he was standing with. just about a lot of stuff i guess. like how fat he is. and dreadlocks. and bands. alisin doesn't want him to be in our band because she thinks he'll get mad and yell a lot. but....he said that he's worked on a couple of songs that he think's will be good for our band. so ha alisin! how many have you worked on? i should actually ask him if he plays electric guitar too, because then i will have found a guitarist for me, fraser and ali's band.

and then as jim-jam was going inside to hear some "bands", that guy...dylan, came out. i met him once when i was with niki at the university, and we talked about our dads, he said his is an alcoholic, and i said, hey, i could go drinking with him. man, i'm such an ass. but yeah, he came over to say hi, and hugged me around the waist. it was odd. but not unpleasant. i wonder if he does that to niki, and how she'd react. cringing probably. heee. none the less, i talked to him for awhile. which was nice. and then he said he had to go smoke a bowl. he had to DRIVE to smoke a bowl. i told him it made me sad that he was driving. very sad. but the truth is, i'm almost to the point where i don't care. just like about politics. and our nations survival.


the bore factor is sky-rocketing. heliumifying.

i want to read more about the star called sirius. i do.

maybe i will.

(come paint my house tomorrow. or your wagon.) come paint my house louse.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

diarylanded oldered profiled emailed
guestbooked noted surveyed surveyed2 pictured
