et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2003.03.26 10:05 p.m.

these headaches are driving me insane. it really hurts in the core of my head.

i bought 'the spitfire grill' on dvd for $8 today. rock! and while i was there i found 'tank girl' and 'mermaids' (oh, yeah, with cher!) for $5 each. i really shouldn't be spending money...but....well, it's hard to resist.

training with maureen today was terrible. i did i big pen drawing of random lines. maureen said it was nice. i almost told her to shove it. i was in a bad temper. we're not selling enough kinetin, so if you have 'mature' skin and would like to reduce the look of fine lines and sun damage and all that shit, come and buy some goddamn kinetin products from me. you'll look hot. also, i got 93% on my quiz, which proves that le b.s. is exactly like high school, i don't have to do homework to achieve okay results. ha.

by the way, we source the shea butter (in all the kinetin products) from the women's tungteiya organization in northern ghana. it supports about ten villages, and over 500 women. oh, yeah.

i'm going to fall over if something interesting doesn't happen to me soon. and by interesting, i mean positive. this fucking cold i'm getting doesn't count. thanks mum, it's just what i need. but i do have an excuse to have many many honey-banana suckers (with vit. c and echanichea(?)).

my horroscope the other day said that i would be distracted by sweeties. but so far, no sign of sweeties.

unless they mean birds, come here my sweeties, how are my sweeties?

the word 'sweeties' gets so weird if you say it enough.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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