et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2003.01.30 12:45 p.m.

i'm sick. hey. too sick to be on the internet. because i'm having troubles sitting up.
it makes sense - the one day i'm supposed to work at b.s. man, i suck. i guess i'm going on depo.....oh, god i don't even know how to spell it. well, body, i guess you're just going to have to get wrecked. too bad for you.
i guess i'm going in the evening though..although i do feel like i might die. it's for the best, yeah, the best.

i hate it when you feel awkwardly towards someone who is trying to contact you...and you don't really feel like talking to you just avoid. yeah, i do mean specifically (fine i can't spell.)...but more than one situation. fuck. i hate people. even more narrowed down - boys, yeah boys...suck it.

i do like american dreams though. i'd sure like to be on american bandstand..yeah, and be famous....joey lawrence is on that show...or should i say 'joseph'? yeah, that's right, stanty's brother. woah!!

i think i'm going to go lie down until i can take more painkillers!!!! call me later...or come visit me at b.s.

this sucks..this sucks pigs.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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