et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2003.04.01 5:06 p.m.

i watched two movies all ready today. oh, i mean, already. well, one and a half. the spitfire grill makes me cry so much. but it's so good. i wish it was funnier though. life's pretty funny.

in general.

i find a lot of the time, when i'm not having a huge appreciation for the people in the world, it makes it worthwhile to appreciate things. like having the house to oneself. and kittens. and making a mix tape (even if you're not completely sure of the person who it's intended for).

i'm scared to go places i've never been. but it's something i crave. i'm scared to go places on my own. but it seems like it's something i need to do. fucking life.

i feel like spending time colouring with gel pens. but i also feel like making things look better (notice i didn't say 'cleaning', that's somewhat different). i should probably harness a minute.

sometimes i wonder if other people miss friends as much as i do. i miss people dating back years and years. and as close as from last weekend. i think i spend too much time missing people. but i'm at a loss for what else to do. i don't seem to be condusive to longtime close friendships.

i think my mood ring might be broken. it is almost always a dark shade of blue..and the surface is scuffed up. roughed up.

i called alisin last night. i didn't know they were on band tour. i don't know what i hoped to get out of it. but it turned out quite well...i spoke to her father for a few minutes, it was pretty enjoyable. i asked him how he was and he said he was quite the same and i said 'well, it could be worse, i mean, you could be fatally ill. that'd sure be awkward'.

sometime i'd like to make a connective mixtape, where all the songs connected to each other with similar elements for instance, haliegh a lie -bright eyes followed by the boxer -simon and garfunkel (with it's lielalie bit).

i wish i had less ideas and more get-to-it-ivness.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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