et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2002.12.07 7:34 p.m.

no one wants a real answer to that. you know it. 'fine.' and that is enough to settle anyone.


i'm going to become one of those people who just cries in public. who throws things a lot and collapses on the ground all the time. i already am. except only when i'm by myself or with my mum. i think my mum's getting tired of the throwing things.


i'm not really even sure how it happened. maybe someone knows. maybe that person's having the time of their life.


ooo, being cryptic, how totally depressive of you. maybe now you should whine some more about crying and shouting and your life smothering you.


fraser told me that he wasn't worried about me. that i'd be fine. i've thought about that a lot lately. i understand so completely.


i'm so jealous of all of you. all of you with your crushes and signifcant others. your best friends. i'm jealous of myself when i'm in a good mood.


i felt so ugly last night. so much lack of attraction. and i remember when i used to dance to attract people in ways. and how i have blisters on the soles of my feet and felt so ugly. so unattracting. so gross from the inside. dancing to prove that i'm not depressive. that i don't hide in corners. that i can have a good time, despite awkwardnesses and

everything. don't be so melodramatic.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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