et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2003|08|24 11:45 p.m.

why did i volunteer to go to work on a sunday? holy fuck. luckily it was only like a 4 and a half hour shift, but still..still... i was just completely not in the mood to be there. everything felt magnified. i was so over-reactive. and people were being stupid. oh so.
i'd like a chocolate milk.
okay, would you like regular or large?
um, i'll have medium.

i tried pretty hard to be civil, but it ended up in avoidance of looking at people sometimes. it just wasn't a fun day. that's the only thing i go there for, is because sometimes it is remarkably fun. it was fun to talk to adam, because i quite like him, and really like bugging him. he showed me this awesome high-five the other day that ended in him slapping my bum. quite funny. it was fun to talk to mark, he even called me meredith. he's so ridiculous.

day four of the elimination of sugar from my diet. what an odd thing to do. i was recently made more aware of how much sugar i'm actually consuming on a regular basis. it's pretty bad. i drink pop or ice tea all day at work and snack on ice cream. i buy fudgesicles and slurpees and candy all the time. there's wagon wheels and ice cream and sugar cereals at my house. being vegetarian it is often easier to order desert at restaurants that regular meals. so i'm feeling okay. not really different, but it's only been a few days. i like to make a big deal about it around people to get it out of my system, and not actually pine for it... and i've had a little honey and some jam. and some aspertame sweetened drinks. i think i'll give it at least a couple more days. we'll see.

i was in a fine mood as soon as i was away from jerry's. i went to vhq who were having a video 'blowout!' sale. i bought four movies, 'white oleander', 'a modern affair' (about a woman who gets pregnant from donor insemination and then becomes obsessed with findingthe donor, then they meet and fall in love. it was 95 cents. and it's going to be so bad), 'me, you, them' (about a brazillian woman with three men and four children in her life, supposed to be good), and 'all over me' a movie that's "like an unsweetened my so-called life" but also has my favorite darling wilson cruz (rickie of mscl). the only one that was more than a dollar was 'white oleander' which i hadn't seen, but i watched it this afternoon, and i liked it quite quite a lot. i liked the book, and it was quite true to it. parts were lame, but overall, yes.

i went to see 'bruce almightly' tonight with jm, and it was quite quite bad. worse than i'd thought it would be. 'bruce' was like all of constantine's annoying parts wrapped up in an unattractive man. i mean, at least constantine's still so cute when he's being irritating. jm however, was good. as always. he's just so...i don't know. knows when/how to say the right thing.

i was supposed to go to see them play at lydia's with killary tonight but when i called her after the movie she didn't want to come out, too much work to do, and an early wake up and so on. it depressed me so much, more than it should have. i always always want to go see them play, and it's too awkward for me to go alone, it's always awkward when you only vaguely know people. but i went over to her apartment for a little bit and we talked and it made me feel a lot better. we need to hang out more. there's too much to talk about when we see each other.

i wish i had a day off sooner than thursday. though..i really really need money. i want some soy milk and smoothy making supplies, but i don't have any money. yet i still manage to spend what little i have.

salvation army is having a 50% off sale tomorrow. carlos, i'm looking at you. and maggi, and anyone really. if you want to go, leave me a note or some such thing, i think i'll go after i'm off work tomorrow at three. i hope it feels better there tomorrow.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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