et puis
disclaimer: this is the life and times of meredith r. mistletoe. i'm making a slight attempt to disguise my identity and hide things that i write about and pretend i don't feel things i do. but if you read this and i don't know you read it, then you read it at your own risk. and you should let me know you're reading it... especially because a lot of the time things need clarifying or aren't quite true anymore or etc etc etc.

note: potential employers: please do not judge me on my diaryland. that's lame.


2004.03.19 2:40 a.m.

updating from park bench's bachelor pad where the lightbulbs are all burnt out and there's sheet for curtains. we'll go buy some real curtains and some light bulbs soon. i hope. he makes me saddened in a small way. but i also like his openness. his willing to be shakey-strange in front of us.

oooo i love cute boys. i can't even explain.

we went to see the mark inside again tonight. they played with some other bands that weren't nearly as good. but they were very tight and very good. and very cute.

it's odd that i find the lead singer the least cute.

i told geordie that he reminded me of ryanpollard who i missed dearly and he told me i wouldn't have to miss him anymore. which isn't true. i hope ryanpollard never replaces me. but he is nice. and so tall.

they're all nice. and sweet and fun. and saskatoon-ish. in the best ways.

i met don mckellar today. i almost vomited with happiness. seriously, i love him. and i'm not just saying that because i met him. i honestly think his work is top notch. and worthwhile and all of that good stuff. he was shy-ish. park bench says he's known him for years. maybe we'll all have brunch together and be best friends. ooohh i'd love that too much. oh don mckellar. so cute and beautiful and nice.

me and priscilla danced onstage with the boys. and we were 'a little much' but except not because they thought we were good. so they said. and i told them we're new best friends and geoff said he needed a new best friend. ahhh oh i'd be so happy to have a new best friends. ahh le sigh of love.

i miss nathan, maybe because he's gone away. but still. i want to see what will happen. for interests sake.

sometimes dancing feels so good it's like a...sacred connection of true love with the universe.

could i be anymore gross...

too much drunk. not enough sleep for school tomorrow.

parkbench says he'll read my pilot. for the idea of it. i'll be glad and hope that he tells me it's terrible. since it is. in the same way paul is failing me in voice, even though he love me. because you should all expect so much more of me. tons more. i'm a fucking genious.

just so's you know.

i live in toronto. i live in toronto and i'm such a good groupie. i miss you all so much it makes me cry into my pillow. westjet/aircanada has sales. i think..maybe. so please..please sweethearts. oh drunky.

haha let's all dance onstage together. and hump.

previously - and then

*oh random entry*

all the diarylands. - 2008.02.21
I move my head. - 2008.01.27
read the other one. - 2008.01.21
was Medium? - 2008-01-17
Or maybe I won't. - 2008.01.15

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